100 Year Athlete Membership

Nov 26, 2023

If you wanted to ski, bike, hike, and climb into your 100s, what would you have to do today to make that possible?

100 Year Athlete (100YA) is a fitness program and community for mountain sports athletes ages 35 to 100+ who want to send it into their golden years. It is the first program in Park City designed to optimize for longevity first and performance second. Grounded in over 30 years of combined coaching experience and research by Peter Attia, Andrew Huberman, Andy Galpin, and others, 100YA is designed to support a lifetime of outdoor adventures.    

Why did we create the 100 Year Athlete? 

Off The Mountain developed 100YA after noticing how many Parkites lose years of quality recreation to preventable injuries and unsustainable training habits. Most Parkites play in the mountains into their 70s and 80s despite how they train, not because of it. 

How is 100 Year Athlete different from other training programs?

  • We train for longevity. Typical fitness programs were designed around elite athletes seeking maximum performance. After decades of pounding our joints on the slopes and trails, maximizing performance is a recipe for injury. We cannot train in our 60s the way we trained in our 20s and expect the same outcome. However, we can make gains and stay in the mountains if at 60 we train the way a 60-year-old should train.
  • We put your sport first. 100 Year Athlete is not a replacement for on-the-mountain fun and practice. It does not siphon away time and energy you need to enjoy your sport. It is designed to support everything you do in the mountains, not compete with it. 
  • We offer customization with camaraderie. 100 Year Athletes start their program with a Functional Range Assessment (FRA), which enables us to customize a program based on your joint mobility and conditioning challenges. Because 100YAs are on similar programs with personal modifications, we can offer group sessions while ensuring that everyone is training safely and proficiently.  

What, exactly, do we train to achieve “longevity”? 

If you want to be independent, strong, and in the mountains until your last breath, there are several things that you must do:

  • Maintain good mobility
  • Maintain power + speed
  • Train strength
  • Put on muscle mass

That covers five out of the 9 Pillars of Fitness we emphasize in 100YA. Usually, other pillars like muscular endurance and aerobic capacity are best trained by doing our sports.

What does a year of the 100 Year Athlete program look like?

We take into account the seasonality of mountain sports to deliver the right training stimulus at the best time. Here’s what a typical year looks like:

  • Spring: Prepare for summer activities including trail running, cycling, mountain biking, hiking, golf, tennis, and of course, pickleball.
  • Summer: Keep your body healthy for high-volume, cardio-intensive summer sports.
  • Fall: Prep for winter mountain sports including skiing, snowboarding, touring, and nordic. 
  • Winter: Make gains and manage winter sports’ impact on the knees, spine, and hips.

Time Commitment

We ask 100YAs to do mobility for 5-10 minutes daily and train at least twice a week with attention to recovery between workouts. Although 100YA programs include mobility, we encourage you to attend Kinstretch mobility classes 1-2 times per week, especially if joint pain and health is among your top challenges. You can do Kinstretch on the same days as workouts.

We’re in This Together

People initially join us at Off The Mountain to address joint pain, recurrent injuries, and the sense that their body could feel and work better than it does. 100 Year Athletes ultimately stick with us because the training has a meaningful impact on their quality of life – and because the community here is extraordinary. We ski, bike, tour, hike, and climb together. We show up for our local sports teams and World Cup competitors. We push each other to learn and get better.    

Like you, our coaches are passionate about mountain sports and aspiring to be 100 Year Athletes. We get pumped when our community members can do what they love, pain free, and go on adventures that were once out of the question. 

Let’s live our best possible life in the mountains. We hope you’ll join us. 

Want to try out 100 Year Athlete? Sign up for a free week of training here.